phifogg / ioBroker.sainlogic

An IoBroker Adapter for Sainlogic based weather stations
MIT License
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Forwarding does not work #154

Closed tomschlde closed 1 year ago

tomschlde commented 1 year ago

Hi all, i configured the Ecowitt-Station to send the data to IP-Symcon.


this works fine. Then i configured the Ecowitt Station to send Data to the IObroker.


this works also fine.

Then the data should be forwarded in the IOBroker to IP-Symcon (url from above).


No Data is sent to IP-Symcon. The sainlogic adapter logs (silly) shows no attempts to send data to IP-Symcon.

In the IP-Symcon logs is also no entry from any data from sainlogic to IP-Symcon.

The manual test with the url : in the browser shows a protocol in the target-system.


so the url in common should be OK.

Seems, that the forwardinfg url is not even called by the sainlogic-Adapter.

phifogg commented 1 year ago

Duplicate to #143