phiilu / mailman

Mailman is a GUI to help you manage your email accounts stored in a MySQL/MariaDB database.
MIT License
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Mailman Autostart #25

Closed shoujii closed 6 years ago

shoujii commented 6 years ago

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit mailman automatisch starten zu lassen? hatte ich ausprobiert: -> npm install -g node-autostart -> autostart enable -n "mailman" -p "/etc/mailman/" -c "npm start"

allerdings hat das Ganze nicht so geklappt. Eventuell wäre es auch sinnvoll das Ootb anzubieten :)

Gruß, Shoujii

roberwinkler commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have the same question....

I tried with an rc.local entry

"cd /home/username/mailman &&npm start >/dev/null &"

which starts mailman - and I can connect to /mailman .... However it does not load the database as it looks.

seems a permission problem - if I start as user > it works --- but if I start as root (like rc.local) it does not....

regards richi

shoujii commented 6 years ago

pm2 startup

Does the magic :)

phiilu commented 6 years ago

With docker there is the options with the flag --restart=always and like you already have found out pm2 offers startup scripts 😄