phikal / ReGeX

A Regular Expression game for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"ReGeX wurde angehalten"[GER] ~"ReGeX was stopped/paused/..."[supposed English error] #29

Closed jneutze closed 7 years ago

jneutze commented 7 years ago


I am loving the game on Android. But till now after a few tens or hundred puzzles I always got the Wiz/Android-Error "ReGeX wurde angehalten" which should be something like "ReGeX was stopped/paused/..." in English. Only reinstall seems to help.

Any advice how I could find/give more information about this? This is surely no nicely documented issue yet. ;)

Thanks for your work Sincerely Jonas

phikal commented 7 years ago

As you mentioned, I haven't experienced (or heard of) anything like that yet, but I would of course like to fix it if possible.

As seen here, ReGeX wurde angehalten is not defined as a string, so it's obviously a system bug, but it would still be useful to know stuff like

And if possible, a log of how it failed would be nice, but not necessary.

jneutze commented 7 years ago

Hi again,

yep it is definetely a System-Error-Message. Sorry I didn't clear that up.

My Android is not rooted. So logCat is out of the question for the time being.

(I guess the following values should be right, but can't prove it. I will try to observe the next Halt more rigorously) Level: 10+ Score: idk, since I get more efficient everytime. I guess should have been always above 5000. Round: 1st time was probably above 300. Probably the others were always above 100.

Example of a failing task: N/A, because the program doesn't seem to show it to me. It seems to hang directly after generating a new task, after I solved the last one. Impact of Deleting App Data: Not tested. I will report on this the next time it happens

General System Information: Android: 6.0.1 Kernel-Version: 3.10.49-8935060 Buildnumber: MMB29M.J500FNXXU1BPI1 Device: Samsung Galaxy J5

jneutze commented 7 years ago

Deleting App Data works and makes it run again. But ofc, I am back at lvl 1 and 0 Points.

Another thing: It could be, that it only happens when I already have some input typed in. Because this time (at least Lvl 11, at least 8500 Points, at least 100 rounds), I started the solving, typed something in, and had to press Back two times to do something different. After that, the Game was paused by the System it seems.

jneutze commented 7 years ago

Lol, sry, but thats it. it doesn't depend on the level. It is just that the alter levels were difficult enough, so I didn't input the full solution, but something, and then switched to another program. So it is reproducible it seems. If I start to type input, tab out then, the program gets halted by the System.

jneutze commented 7 years ago

It seems using the Back-Key two times to tab out is more reliable in reproducing this problem than tabbing out with the Home-Key. tabbing out with the Home-key seems to need a few tries till it breaks the game. Using the Back-Key two times seems to reproduce it direclty.

phikal commented 7 years ago

Have you tried the same thing with previous versions/other game modes? I'll manually change my score, and then try what you described.

I still have no concrete idea what is causing the crash.

the0ne commented 7 years ago
11-22 10:10:07.922 I/ActivityManager(881): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.phikal.regex/.Activities.GameActivity bnds=[111,1440][309,1656] (has extras)} from uid 10303 on display 0
11-22 10:10:07.972 I/ActivityManager(881): Start proc 839:com.phikal.regex/u0a181 for activity com.phikal.regex/.Activities.GameActivity
11-22 10:10:08.072 W/System  (839): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.phikal.regex-1/lib/arm
11-22 10:10:08.145 E/AndroidRuntime(839): Process: com.phikal.regex, PID: 839
11-22 10:10:08.145 E/AndroidRuntime(839): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {com.phikal.regex/com.phikal.regex.Activities.GameActivity}: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
11-22 10:10:08.145 E/AndroidRuntime(839):         at com.phikal.regex.Activities.GameActivity.getName(Unknown Source)
11-22 10:10:08.145 E/AndroidRuntime(839):         at com.phikal.regex.Activities.GameActivity.onResume(Unknown Source)
11-22 10:10:08.146 W/ActivityManager(881):   Force finishing activity com.phikal.regex/.Activities.GameActivity
11-22 10:10:08.741 W/ActivityManager(881): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{9f98210 u0 com.phikal.regex/.Activities.GameActivity t424077 f}
11-22 10:10:09.605 I/ActivityManager(881): Process com.phikal.regex (pid 839) has died
phikal commented 7 years ago

Looking into the git history, the code and with the help of @the0ne's log (which for some reason had no line numbers? But whatever, more fun for me \^\^) I realized that there has this is probably a settings error:

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String

I must have changed some Integer preference to a String preference, between v1.2 and v1.3, causing the crash. This would also explain why clearing app data is working. If someone could send me a preferences file (requires root), I could see if this is the true error source.

Now, ironically, this also means that this bug cannot be fixed, because fixing it would create a new bug for all those which have updated. So, all in all, I guess we have to accept that updating from 1.2 to 1.3 has a problem, and a apologize for not realizing this bug in time.

Same (probably) applies to #27. Thanks again to @the0ne.

I'll close this bug and #27, as soon as I can prove it.

the0ne commented 7 years ago

not sure i got the right file: /data/data/com.phikal.regex/shared_prefs/com.phikal.regex_preferences.xml


phikal commented 7 years ago

@the0ne Thanks that's the right file. I'll do the same of version 1.2 tomorrow, and then I'll know for sure if that caused the bug.

phikal commented 7 years ago

I finally got around to download v1.2 and compare the files, and this is what I got:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
    <int name="diff_Random Game" value="5" />
    <string name="task_Random Game">nullx1D14x1Dx1Fssjxx1Fx1Ex1Fdhxx1Fx1Ex1Fkbux1Fxx1Dx1Fnsmx1Fx1Ex1Fahx1Fx1Ex1Frjbox1Fx</string>
    <int name="position_s_Random Game" value="0" />
    <int name="game_Random Game" value="3" />
    <int name="position_e_Random Game" value="0" />
    <int name="score_Random Game" value="64" />
    <boolean name="regenerate" value="false" />
    <string name="vers">1.2</string>
    <string name="input_Random Game"></string>

For v1.3:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
    <int name="score_matchmode-random" value="47" />
    <int name="position_s_matchmode-random" value="0" />
    <int name="position_e_matchmode-random" value="0" />
    <int name="game_matchmode-random" value="4" />
    <string name="input_matchmode-random"></string>
    <int name="diff_matchmode-random" value="4" />
    <string name="vers">1.3</string>
    <boolean name="regen" value="false" />
    <string name="cache_matchmode-random">x1F3Y4x1Fx1Dx1Fdnx1Fx1Ex1Fqx1Fx1Ex1FYIxx1Fx</string>

So, it seems like I changed the preference names and related stuff in af236e6b00f8908d40989fbfb1b6aa0e3745b45b and 324c42c7db7b85c55b21a9565784a98f7f6952e9, probably leading to some bug, causing this crash. When directly updating from v1.2 to v1.3 I also got the same log as @the0ne, but without any line numbers.

The only way to "solve" this, would be to revert to the old preference names, but then everyone who had updated to v1.3, would have to reset again. I'd say, without any obvious way out, I'm going to close this issue for now, since it's not the code itself that is broken, but rather the transition.

To sum up, in case anyone has the same problem: Just clear app data, or if you're up to it, manually edit /data/data/com.phikal.regex/shared_prefs/com.phikal.regex_preferences.xml as seen above.

phikal commented 7 years ago

Upon some more testing, I found the source of the bug:

Under v1.2 the game mode is defined as:

    <int name="gamemode" value="0" />

, while v1.3 uses strings:

    <string name="gamemode">matchmode-redb</string>

This explains the ClassCastException bug. But all in all, the same situation persists - changing this back to an integer, would just break compatibility. Instead, I'm going to patch this, forcing ReGeX to update to <string name="gamemode" .... This means that v1.2 -> v1.3 won't work, but v1.2 -> v1.3.1 and v1.3 -> v1.3.1 will.

the0ne commented 7 years ago

I confirm that manually updating as mentioned above fixed the bug - Thanks!