Closed rambleramble closed 5 years ago
I just tested Tracktor++ on the CVPR 2019 test set and it took 1667 seconds to finish all 4 sequences. I updated the MOTChallenge webpage accordingly.
thanks for the update!
My primary interest is the speed of the performance.
If possible, could you provide some insights on how to improve the speed? Or which module (such as re-id) that can be further optimized in order to gain a further speed-up?
Also, if the number of detected object (peoples) is reduced (say only detect major characters in an image by setting a higher detector threshold ), will this improve the process speed?
We did not evaluate the runtime of the different steps in our Tracktor algorithm. However, there are multiple things one could do to speed it up. Our object detector is called multiple times. I think the number of calls per frame could be reduced. Running an object detector with a different backbone, e.g., ResNet34 instead of ResNet101, is a possibility if top tracking performance is not essential.
Changing the trajectory killing or bounding box initialisation thresholds should change the number of detected objects but I think the potential for reducing the runtime is comparatively small.
But again, this is something that has to be evaluated to be really sure.
Can we close this issue?
Thanks for this great work,
According to the MOT challenge website:
The speed is only 0.6 Hz, is it a true reflection of this repo?
Do you have a more recent analysis on the speed performance?
Thanks in advance!