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Vomnibar with custom search engines #2131

Open Radek-Svoboda opened 8 years ago

Radek-Svoboda commented 8 years ago

Its take too match time when vomnibar activate custom search engine (2-3 sec). Its possible shorten this time or use some hotkey to invoke selected custom search ?

smblott-github commented 8 years ago

Is this what you're looking for, @Radek-Svoboda?

From there:

map s Vomnibar.activate keyword=g
map w Vomnibar.activate keyword=w

(This assumes that s and w are already custom search engines.)

Radek-Svoboda commented 8 years ago

Not completely. When I press map key (eg. s in Your example), I have to wait about 2 sec, when I can write custom search condition. In other case (time short then 2 sec) vomnibar search in default search engine (google in my case)

smblott-github commented 8 years ago

You mean 2 seconds before the Vomnibar appears? Always?

Or 2 seconds until completions appear in the (already visible) Vomnibar?

Could you be precise please about what you do, what happens, and where the delays are.

Radek-Svoboda commented 8 years ago

When I press map key, Vomnibar is visible immediatly, thats right. At this moment I have to wait about 2sec while appears name of custom search (eg. Amazon) on the bottom of vomnibar frame. At this moment I could write what I need on Amazon (eg. boombox). In other case (time is short) I am searching via default search engine (google)

little-boots commented 5 years ago

This sounds very similar to an issue I'm experiencing. I have DuckDuckGo set up as the default browser ( and I'm frequently (not always) noticing delays of ~2 seconds before searches go through.

Specifically, if I press 'o' or 'O', the Omnibar appears immediately. I type a search and press enter. This is when things slow down; Firefox loads a blank page and the "page loading" animation runs for a few seconds before finally showing the search results. If I issue the search directly through DuckDuckGo, it's practically instant. I've also noticed the delay seems to happen most often if I haven't been using Firefox for a while, then improves as I send multiple searches through Omnibar.