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FF: page find focus issues #2694

Open arcnmx opened 6 years ago

arcnmx commented 6 years ago

There are a number of issues with Firefox and the find functionality:

I've found a possible reference to this so it may be a known problem but I couldn't find a relevant open issue tracking it.

laktak commented 6 years ago

To reproduce the / issue:

This will give me this strange, not fully quickfind like textbox (it's missing all buttons):


If I click on the window before pressing / I get the / textbox.

I'm also using tabcenter if that matters.

agush22 commented 6 years ago


iamvuppala commented 6 years ago

N will be circular but not n. n - goes to end of the list and stops. N - will go to last find. if it hit the top find

Some times find / opens the firefox find and sometimes other bottom search box. But in most pages bottom search box is unresponsive. even if we click on the box and type something.

wavexx commented 6 years ago

I can confirm this issue. This makes '/' completely unreliable in my case. Typing fast after '/' will send to the page with random keystrokes. Sometimes the focus is never returned to the search field. 'n' is erratic at best. I reverted to using the FF search at the moment.

clearissimple commented 6 years ago

Firefox Quantum 57.0.4 (64-bit) Vimmium 1.62.8

I have a somewhat similar issue, which I can reproduce now: The small / textfield does not receive any keystrokes, if a link on the page or another element has focus. To me this happens regularly like this:

f follow a hint on the page, which clicks a link. That link will be "selected" or have focus. If the click does not load a new page but just opens a new background tab, then / will not work in the tab with the link was clicked. If I take the mouse and click somewhere on the background of the page, / works again.

hackel commented 5 years ago

This is a really frustrating usability issue. Still happening in Firefox 63.