philc / vimium

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Going completly mouseless with Vimium (copying and pasting) #2922

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

I've recently discovered that is possible to use Windows without mouse!

Shift+Left/right highlight text "randomly" and I don't know how to unhighlight selected position (tab moves me further) in the internet.

And it doesn't work on all sites.

Anyway, thanks for developing this fabulous extension!

ghost commented 6 years ago

I'm also looking for good bubble translator which works with Vimium.

innaterebel commented 6 years ago

See Visual Mode and Caret Mode: The last line about utilizing Find Mode is important as well since Visual Mode won't start straightaway on many sites (and it also starts randomly).

Simply exit Visual Mode (Esc) when you want to do deselection.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@innaterebel Interesting. I'll give a try that.

How about efficient way to look up for translation?

I've found this in manual:

translate:|auto|%s Google Translator

would it be possible to see in Vomnibar translation in final language? (instead of autocompletion) and way to easily copy final translation?

edit3: Ok, I've set "tr" quick search then I tab the results and then open them with "shift+enter" then "esc" and "x". any fancier way?

edit4: ARGH. It's diffucult to copy result translation on google translate site :/ there is no field defined so ctrl+a select whole page :/

ghost commented 6 years ago

any ideas?

hackel commented 5 years ago

In what way is this a bug report? Please close this and stop wasting people's time.

mvrozanti commented 5 years ago

Hi I come from VimFx and what they do is, upon hitting the equivalent hotkey for visual selection, hints are shown and the user can select where the caret will begin. I think this is the one feature preventing me from going full vimium at the moment: the weird visual mode behaviour. After reading the docs, I can't fly past the fact the the Find Mode "tip" section is actually a workaround to the fact that vimium does not correctly position the caret yet. I see no reason not to reuse hints for this purpose. This is not a bug report issue but an enhancement one in my eyes