philc / vimium

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Don't Exclude Bookmarks When Navigating Tabs #3303

Open fredfortier opened 5 years ago

fredfortier commented 5 years ago

I'm using Brave, I'm not sure if this is an issue with Chome, but I tend to open "brave://bookmarks" a lot to navigate websites. This works ok despite the lack of vimium shortcuts, but it breaks tab navigation. Using J and K, I can navigate in the bookmark window but not out of it.

gdh1995 commented 5 years ago

In short, it's impossible for Vimium.

It's limited by chromium-like browsers that Vimium can not run on priviledged browser pages, so all key mappings including switching among tabs are "broken" on them.

AD: I'm writing a customized version of Vimium ( and it support 4 global shortcuts to let you execute createTab, reloadTab, nextTab and previousTab on any browser pages and even when the address bar is focused. This functionality is provided by Chromium as a feature named “commands” but Vimium hasn't use it.