philc / vimium

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Feature Request: Omnibox support #3622

Open ebeloded opened 4 years ago

ebeloded commented 4 years ago

Chrome Extension API allows extending its Omnibox (docs)

The omnibox API allows you to register a keyword with Google Chrome's address bar, which is also known as the omnibox.

I suggest to add the power of vomnibar to the Chrome's omnibox. For example, "o" keyword can activate the vimium suggestions, which will contain everything vomnibar would normally contain. I think this will be very useful because vomnibar's suggestions are much more useful than the default omnibox autosuggest.

What's more, implementing omnibox support will allow to bypass the fact that the extension doesn't work in New Tab, because the vomnibar functionality would be just a keyword away.

gdh1995 commented 4 years ago

Um, I have a customized version of Vimium, named Vimium C, and it adds "v" keyword to Chrome omnibox, so you may take a try.