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Make `focusInput` focus all the input filelds in the whold page #4461

Open YunfangHou opened 2 months ago

YunfangHou commented 2 months ago


resolve #4046

Makes focusInput focus all the input fields in the whold page (including the fields out of view). If focused input field is out of view, the page will be auto scrolled to the aim location.

Reasons why applying this feature

  1. For most webpages, there is a search bar at the top of the page, which is the most used input field. However, at the time when we want to search something else, we are very likely have been at the bottom of the page, and thus present foucs input function can not be used because the search bar is at top.
  2. For most webpages, there are not much input fields. So focusing all input fields will not spend much time of user to switch to the aimed input field.