philchalmers / mirt

Multidimensional item response theory
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Unexpected warning message in 'M2' function #251

Closed fedebacchi closed 1 month ago

fedebacchi commented 2 months ago

Hi, I am currently working on my PhD thesis and the first part of the research is about the estimation of MIRT models. For this reason, I am using 'mirt' package which has a plenty of useful functions and desirable features. However, I am experiencing some trouble while computing limited information test statistics via 'M2' function. No matter if I include survey weights and if I increase the number of quadrature points, I always get the following warning message:

## Warning in pchisq(X2, df = df, ncp = lambda): pnchisq(x=4.19856e+06, f=406,
## theta=4.19856e+06, ..): not converged in 1000000 iter.

As you can see in the attached pdf file (mirt_help_upd.pdf), it does not seem to be a matter related to the big sample size. Could you please help me in finding the source of the problem?

philchalmers commented 1 month ago

This indicates that the CIs for the RMSEA statistic could not be computed given how large the misfit was. It's possible for these estimates to fail given their root-solving nature, and should not be related to either survey weights or quadrature as it has to do with chi-squared distribution function given the lack of fit statistics returned from M2().

fedebacchi commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your answer. So, I cannot rely on the estimated values for the CIs of the RMSEA but I can still rely on all the other statistics, including the point estimate of the RMSEA.

philchalmers commented 1 month ago
