Indicate to users Raindrops that were recently synced, so users can grab notes they may have missed.
As a user, I want to know which Raindrops I have imported and which ones I have not, so that I can import the ones I know I want imported.
A a user, I want to see which Raindrops I have recently imported so that I can import any missing notes or annotations that I have added in Raindrop since I last synced into Logseq (I don't want my imported Raindrops to be out-of-date).
it seems like knowing the last time you synced a page from Raindrop into Logseq would be handy. I mean, you can just re-sync them whenever, but having some indicator that it was recently synced seems helpful.
Thoughts on how to do this:
on app start up, we go through all the pages in the plugin namespace (hardcoded to logseq-raindrop ATM but should be configurable) and look at their synced time to get the ones edited recently
this seems insanely expensive, I doubt logseq is "fast" for this
if we tracked raindrop-last-synced:: we could potentially query for date times, but I still doubt Logseq has WHERE clauses with intervals, so now we're getting all of the values for pages and then still filtering them by date
on page import, we save the page to a list of "recently imported raindrops".
having a list of recent imports makes the process of looking at "what's recent" much simpler — you can have 1000s of imported pages, but only have recently imported a reasonable selection. 10s? 100?
we can drop old listings in simpler ways. On insert, which makes imports "expensive" (because it's now $O(n)$ for n recently imported items, or on some regular period where imports are still $O(1)$ but we clean up the list for $O(n)$ regularly
really any way we do it will still be faster then getting 100s or 1000s of pages from Logseq
Readiness:: draft
Indicate to users Raindrops that were recently synced, so users can grab notes they may have missed.
it seems like knowing the last time you synced a page from Raindrop into Logseq would be handy. I mean, you can just re-sync them whenever, but having some indicator that it was recently synced seems helpful.
Thoughts on how to do this:
we could potentially query for date times, but I still doubt Logseq hasWHERE
clauses with intervals, so now we're getting all of the values for pages and then still filtering them by date