phildini / cards-against-django

CAH done as a Django web app.
8 stars 4 forks source link

Membership has its privileges #57

Closed clach04 closed 10 years ago

clach04 commented 10 years ago

Allow staff members to pick cardsets for new games

phildini commented 10 years ago

This looks pretty cool! Did you run the unittest suite before pushing? python test --settings=cah.settings.local

I ask because travis-ci is showing failed tests on the build for this pr.

clach04 commented 10 years ago

I ran under vagrant and it says OK, on closer look it ran zero tests though :-(

Running with:

 python test --settings=cah.settings.vagrant

doesn't start (unable to create database), I'll log an issue for that.

I setup a non-vagrant environment and the test fails as per the Travis run, on:

kwargs['user'] = self.request.user

With the claim:

AttributeError: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user'

At the moment this looks like a Mocking problem. It does have a user attribute when ran with a web server. So I think it reasonable to assume user is there (and not do a getattr on it). If you think it makes sense I could add a getattr(), but this won't then get tested by the suite.