Fetch all submissions made to Netlify Forms in your site and stash them as JSON files before your build runs making the data available to your static site generator at build time.
Cannot get demo working, or by adding it to my site.
Show me a proper json file its looking for in a submissions folder
something like: 'comments_submissions.json'
ERROR: the same on invalid .json file start or end of file???
Plugin "netlify-plugin-form-submissions" failed
Error: Failed to get data about this site's forms from the Netlify API. Continuing with build, but form data may be missing which might cause problems.
In "onPreBuild" event in "netlify-plugin-form-submissions" from netlify.toml and package.json
at /node_modules/netlify-plugin-form-submissions/index.js:37:21
at async onPreBuild (/node_modules/netlify-plugin-form-submissions/index.js:34:19)
Cannot get demo at https://romantic-benz-1a3524.netlify.app/
Cannot get demo working, or by adding it to my site.
Show me a proper json file its looking for in a submissions folder
something like: 'comments_submissions.json'
ERROR: the same on invalid .json file start or end of file???
Plugin "netlify-plugin-form-submissions" failed
Error: Failed to get data about this site's forms from the Netlify API. Continuing with build, but form data may be missing which might cause problems.
FetchError: invalid json response body at https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/sites/cc939abc-d48c-43e4-a841-39be994ba3b2/forms?access_token=dff745f5e255ad5fb81fcdfd966bfc27209708d3f5a41dbfe9de380acc95b07e%20NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN%20=%20BEPOUc9Ex6YY9F5AR4qSXx1dSQ0kdKEg-G4SOwM1e4Y reason: Unexpected end of JSON input
In "onPreBuild" event in "netlify-plugin-form-submissions" from netlify.toml and package.json at /node_modules/netlify-plugin-form-submissions/index.js:37:21 at async onPreBuild (/node_modules/netlify-plugin-form-submissions/index.js:34:19)