philhawksworth / netlify-plugin-minify-html

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spaces before <em> and after </em> #18

Closed johanvanmol closed 3 years ago

johanvanmol commented 3 years ago

Hi, I recently started using this plugin on Unfortunately, it strips away spaces when using tags:

Before: voor <em>Examencentrum Deurne</em> vinden


After: voor<em>Examencentrum Deurne</em>vinden


DavidBiddle commented 3 years ago

I believe this is the same underlying issue as #8 - configuring your netlify.toml to set collapseInlineTagWhitespace = false should resolve it. If you don't have a netlify.toml there's a good example config on that issue.

johanvanmol commented 3 years ago

Hi David, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. This resolved my issue.