philikon / BarTab

Firefox add-on: Drink now, pay later: put your tabs on your bar tab!
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Dead duplicate tabs from timed unloads (FF4.0b12/F12) #107

Open ttn opened 13 years ago

ttn commented 13 years ago

Seem to be getting duplicate tabs in Fedora 12 from BarTab timed tab unloads: duplicate tabs that remain dead until FF is restarted: can't switch to them, can't close them.

No idea if the dead tab is the "original" or "duplicated - one of the tabs still remains working. Not all tabs seem to generate them though. Haven't yet had time to look any closer. Not other tab-related add-ons installed, just: Add Block Plus, BarTab, Feedback, NoScript, Read It Later, Session Manager (all as up to date as provides).

Update: Seems to be fixed in latest beta (2.1b2) Download it via "View all versions" in:

tastyratz commented 13 years ago

I wanted to add that this impacts me as well on ff4 b12 and windows 7 64. I keep a relatively large ffx session. I attempted to ditch bartab because of this problem and just use the new about:config setting however My session went from 4.5gb from 2gb with bartab (mem and page usage). This is a critical bug to me, showstopper if not resolved.