philikon / BarTab

Firefox add-on: Drink now, pay later: put your tabs on your bar tab!
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Full Url as Tab Title - Lost and Wrong History on Reloaded Tabs #109

Open Threshold opened 13 years ago

Threshold commented 13 years ago

I am on 7 x64 SP1, Firefox 4 RC with TMP, BarTab 2.1.b2 and TGM 2011.2.3.01

On Firefox 3.16 with the same options and extensions I get as tab title the title of the page while now I get the full url which makes all tabs' names the same. This only happens for offline tabs while loaded tabs behave normally. [IMG][/IMG]

I thought this was caused by TabMix plus and reported it there but they said it's caused by your extension:

Another issue is often when tabs go offline by the set amount of time (1H in my case) when restored they often restore a previous or subsequent page in the tab history.

Other times, often after restoring a session, the tab is blank with no url in url bar and the reload button or history buttons disabled and it is named TheNet. Sometimes using the reload option in context menu restores the tab but often it's lost.

Thank you