philikon / BarTab

Firefox add-on: Drink now, pay later: put your tabs on your bar tab!
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Compatibility with Firefox 4.0 final #114

Open deichi opened 13 years ago

deichi commented 13 years ago

The addon states it is only compatible with firefox up to 4.0b5. If that is correct, please make it compatible, if not, please change that manifest :)

Magyver commented 13 years ago

@deichi, there is a new Bar Tab version that works with 3.6 through 6.0, it works fine in 5.0 for me. My memory usage dropped like a rock after installation.

It's Version 2.1b2. It downloaded in 60 secs, restarted & works great! Tabs close automatically 60 secs after leaving them. Unused tabs are greyed out. The default parameters are fine.

Load it from this page:

Remember that when FF opens or when you pick a tab, your screen is white until you hit the refresh button for that tab. It takes mere seconds for the tab to open because Bar Tab shuts down FF memory usage so well ! ! !

Magyver commented 13 years ago

BTW, this version saved my life. I'm a sports writer, and was used to having a few hundred tabs up at a time for all my news sources.

When I loaded 5.0 & Bar Tab didn't work anymore, I lost several days writing as a result. Now I'm back to normal.