philiphendry / ExcalidrawInVisualStudio

A basic integration of Excalidraw diagramming tool in a Visual Studio extension.
MIT License
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Creating a new excalidraw item results in a blank screen #13

Closed philiphendry closed 1 month ago

philiphendry commented 1 month ago

I've noticed on my work machine that, after installing the extension and creating a new excalidraw drawing, the resulting window is empty. Also, saving results in the error which I think is a all a consequence of the WebView runtime being missing:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Unable to cast object of type 'ExcalidrawInVisualStudio.ExcalidrawWindowPane' to type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IPersistFileFormat'.


My initial thoughts are that it's failing silently and failing because the WebView component isn't initialising correctly. The WebView_Initialized method needs an errors handler and it appears the \editor\ files aren't being included in the project and therefore bundled with the extension.

philiphendry commented 1 month ago

Fixed in #14 though only a temporary fix as I really want to have those editor files, which are generated by the esproj build, to not be checked in to source control or for the extension project to have hard references to them