philiphendry / ExcalidrawInVisualStudio

A basic integration of Excalidraw diagramming tool in a Visual Studio extension.
MIT License
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Fix first time load failure of WebView control and improve build #4

Closed philiphendry closed 1 month ago

philiphendry commented 1 month ago

This increases the timeout that the extension waits for the WebView to finish initialising - when a project first loads the wait can be quite long given there could be lots to load and if Visual Studio is re-opening excalidraw drawings this may mean a long wait. This fixes issue #2.

I've also updated the build so the ItemTemplate and WebContent are both built incrementally as part of the msbuild process which should mean if the App.tsx is changed, for example, hitting F5 will cause the extension build to re-publish the web content it needs.