philippabele / deep-groove-with-pytorch

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Set up docs #2

Closed philippabele closed 2 years ago

philippabele commented 2 years ago

LaTeX documentation

GitHub Actions for LaTeX

To simplify the workflow for writing and reviewing the LaTeX documentation a GitHub Action is used to compile the documentation into a PDF file.

The Action is configured in .github/workflows/compile-latex.yml.


The trigger defines when the workflows should run and can be set with the on. For this documentation the trigger is set to:

      - main
      - 'docs/**'

With this configuration the Action is run on every PR creation/update that includes changes inside of the docs folder and that has the target branch set to main.


A workflow/action contains one ore more jobs that execute the logic of the workflow/action. By default, all jobs run in parallel. For our use case we only use one job (compile) that is defined as:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      working_directory: docs
      pdf_name: INF19B_Rickert_2858031_T3101

This configuration defines that the job should run on the ubuntu (linux) operating system. It also sets two environment variables that are later being used:


The actual implementation of our workflow/action is defined in the steps of a job. They are e.g. bash commands that should be executed.

In order to compile the LaTeX documentation the following steps are needed:

  - name: Checkout Git repository
    uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - name: Compile LaTeX document
    uses: xu-cheng/latex-action@v2
      working_directory: ${{ env.working_directory }}
      root_file: main.tex
  - name: Rename main.pdf
    run: |
      mv "$working_directory/main.pdf" "$pdf_name.pdf"
  - name: Upload pdf artifact
    uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
      name: ${{ env.pdf_name }}
      path: ${{ env.pdf_name }}.pdf
      if-no-files-found: error
  1. First this GitHub repository is checked out so that the Job has access to all files.
  2. Then the pre-build Action xu-cheng/latex-action@v2 is used to compile the LaTeX code into a PDF. As parameters we pass the working_directory (path to the .tex files) which in our case is docs and the name of the main LaTeX file which is main.tex
  3. After the second step is complete a main.pdf will be generated which is our compiled documentation. To give it a better suited name it will be renamed the name that was defined in the jobs pdf_name environment variable
  4. Until now the PDF only exists in the current workflow/action run so we cannot directly access it. To change this, the last step uploads the PDF file to the workflow/action run

Access the compiled PDF

To access the compiled PDF file go to the Actions tab in GitHub and click on the desired workflow/action run. You wil see the PDF at the bottom in the Artifacts section.