philippe44 / AirConnect

Use AirPlay to stream to UPnP/Sonos & Chromecast devices
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UPnP init failed: -203 #183

Closed IT-Lueg closed 4 years ago

IT-Lueg commented 4 years ago


What am I doing wrong ?

Raspberry Pi 4 Raspbian Buster

pwt commented 4 years ago

I can't help with the error you're seeing, but if you're interested you could try my dockerized version of airupnp-arm:

This is verified to work properly on RPi 4 / Raspbian Buster.

IT-Lueg commented 4 years ago

Okay, cool :)

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with Docker. Can you explain to me how to install it ?

what's the difference if it runs with Docker or not ?

pwt commented 4 years ago

Ah, OK. I had to install Docker from a non-stable release channel to get it running on Buster, not something I'd recommend to the uninitiated. I'm sure this will be fixed shortly. However, if you want to investigate, start at:

AirConnect works identically under Docker, it's just a much more convenient packaging & execution model (imho).

philippe44 commented 4 years ago

-203 is a socket binding problem. So basically AirConnect cannot use your ethernet/wifi connection and port combination. Is there anything (firewall or I don't know what) preventing application to use it?

I just tried on my Pi4 with Buster and it works fine

IT-Lueg commented 4 years ago

There is a Unifi-POE-Switch and a Unifi Security Gateway. I enabled UPnP... now this works, thanks. But I can't find the devices on Airplay. Do you have an Idea what I can do ?

upnp airconnect

The shown Devices are Apple-TVs.

IT-Lueg commented 4 years ago

Ohhh sry it's my fault. its working :)
