philippe44 / LMS-Raop

LMS to AirPlay bridge
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Pairing not possible: '400 Bad Request' #29

Closed chincheta0815 closed 2 years ago

chincheta0815 commented 2 years ago

Hi philippe44,

I think it makes sense to add this isse here for completeness. It also in the forum:

I am trying to pair my AirPlay Bridge and get '400 Bad Request' in the LogFiles and do not know if it's me or the system(s) which are doing wrong.


How to reproduce:

  1. Clean, bew install of the AirPlay Bridge.
  2. Wait unit the AppleTV is discovered.
  3. Click the 'Pair' Button.
  4. NO Pin is shown on the AppleTV.

Result: The LMS GUI show the 'Enter OIN Code' Message and I can enter something. The log of LMS show:

[22-09-13 05:39:10.0294] main::init (377) Starting Logitech Media Server (v8.3.0, b28d5a6.raspi, Mon 12 Sep 13:20:46 CEST 2022) perl 5.032001 - aarch64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
[22-09-13 05:43:28.8760] Plugins::RaopBridge::Pairing::__ANON__ (67) $VAR1 = bless( [
                 bless( {
                          '_method' => 'POST',
                          '_uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = '')}, 'URI::http' ),
                          '_protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0',
                          '_content' => '',
                          '_headers' => bless( {
                                                 'host' => '',
                                                 'content-type' => 'application/octet-stream',
                                                 'icy-metadata' => 1,
                                                 'cache-control' => 'no-cache',
                                                 'user-agent' => 'iTunes/4.7.1 (Linux; N; Debian; aarch64-linux; DE; utf8) SqueezeCenter, Squeezebox Server, Logitech Media Server/8.3.0/b28d5a6.raspi',
                                                 'connection' => 'Keep-Alive',
                                                 '::std_case' => {
                                                                   'icy-metadata' => 'Icy-Metadata'
                                                 'accept' => '*/*'
                                               }, 'HTTP::Headers' )
                        }, 'HTTP::Request' ),
                 bless( {
                          '_msg' => 'Bad Request',
                          '_content' => '',
                          '_headers' => bless( {
                                                 'server' => 'AirTunes/635.87.3',
                                                 'content-length' => '0',
                                                 '::std_case' => {
                                                                   'set-cookie2' => 'Set-Cookie2',
                                                                   'set-cookie' => 'Set-Cookie'
                                               }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
                          '_rc' => '400',
                          '_request' => $VAR1->[2],
                          '_previous' => []
                        }, 'HTTP::Response' ),
               ], 'Plugins::RaopBridge::Async::HTTP' );
$VAR2 = '400 Bad Request';
[22-09-13 05:43:28.8764] Plugins::RaopBridge::Pairing::__ANON__ (67) Display PIN error

All I did is starting up LMS without any special IP related command line args.

chincheta0815 commented 2 years ago

As I wrote on the forum ( I got that solved.

The issue was that I set the Airplay & HomeKit settings in the AppleTV to "Users in the same Home". This seems to do a kind of authentication and also seems to be kind of a new feature (probably standard feature in the future?).

I found a library that deals with all the authentication stuff. For completeness and probably future lookups, here is the link: