philippe44 / SpotConnect

Turn any UPnP or AirPlay player into a Spotify Connect device
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Unable to change device names #10

Closed nano9g closed 11 months ago

nano9g commented 11 months ago

As long as I'm opening issues…

Using spotraop, I'm trying to change the name of a device. I've tried using both <friendly-name> and <name>, but the device still shows in Spotify as dev[string of numbers and letters]+, which is different from the ID in the config file. I have also tested it with and without spaces, which doesn’t seem to make a difference. (It isn't working with HomePods or Apple TVs either.)

        <udn>[id]@Host Name._raop._tcp.local</udn>
        <friendly_name>My AirPlay Device</friendly_name>

No matter what I do, the device list in Spotify is:

🔈 HomePod+
🔈 dev[string of numbers and letters]+

Is there anything else I should try?

philippe44 commented 11 months ago

Should be fixed in 0.1.2

nano9g commented 11 months ago

All good! <name> now changes what is displayed in the Spotify device list.