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Unable to pair Apple TV HDs #13

Closed nano9g closed 11 months ago

nano9g commented 11 months ago

I have an assortment of Apple TV models and was able to immediately pair the 4K. However, I have been unable to pair the HDs (model A1625). Most of the time, the output looks like this (running with -l -d all=sdebug):

pick an AppleTV or type "exit" to leave pairing mode

[IP1]      => [ID]@Apple TV 4K._raop._tcp.local
[IP2]      =>  [ID]@Apple TV HD2._raop._tcp.local
[IP3]      =>  [ID]@Apple TV HD1._raop._tcp.local

IP address: [IP3]
[17:02:12.098712] http_parse_simple:961 sock: 15, received Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2023 21:02:12 GMT
[17:02:12.099253] http_parse_simple:961 sock: 15, received Content-Length: 0
[17:02:12.099882] http_parse_simple:961 sock: 15, received Server: AirTunes/695.5.1
enter PIN code displayed on AppleTV: [PIN]
step1 ... verifying pin
please wait 5 seconds...

and then it loops back to "pick an AppleTV…"

Occasionally (maybe 1 out of 10 times?) it will say step2 ... verifying M1 but even then it never comes back with a credential string.

Please let me know what I can do to help figure out what's happening. Thank you as always!

philippe44 commented 11 months ago

This is the piece of code I hate the most 😄. Can you share the ID of one of your ATV, or at least tell me is there is anything much different compared to the 4K one?

nano9g commented 11 months ago

They have the same configuration for AirPlay (anyone on same network) and are all on the latest tvOS. The only real difference is that the HDs are connected via wifi and the 4K is wired, but they're all on the same subnet.

The ID is of the HD is D0034B5A254C.

philippe44 commented 11 months ago

I've found and older ATV A1625 which had the pairing issue as well. Version 0.1.3 fixes it for these, let me know how it works for you

nano9g commented 11 months ago

Working perfectly with 0.1.3+.