philippe44 / SpotConnect

Turn any UPnP or AirPlay player into a Spotify Connect device
MIT License
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Docker instance crashing: Segmentation fault (core dumped) #32

Closed NGDM closed 7 months ago

NGDM commented 7 months ago

My Docker instance seems to crash at some point with following logs:

2023-12-10T08:56:32.846165864Z Ensuring user with uid:[1045] gid:[65539] exists ...
2023-12-10T08:56:33.164370509Z Group with gid [65539] name [spotc] already exists.
2023-12-10T08:56:33.169498261Z user with uid [1045] name [spotc] already exists.
2023-12-10T08:56:33.201978291Z Using SpotConnect raop version [0.7.0]
2023-12-10T08:56:33.341154036Z Command Line: [/app/bin/spotraop-linux -r 320 -x /config/config.xml -I -j -k -Z]
2023-12-10T08:56:34.112787448Z [08:56:34.112] main:1222 Starting spotraop version: v0.7.0 (Dec  6 2023 @ 22:58:07)


2023-12-10T08:58:35.187374777Z [08:58:35.182] I MercurySession.cpp:42: Received packet, command: 4
2023-12-10T09:11:56.586091721Z [09:11:56.585] mDNSsearchCallback:390 [0x64f7e0]: keep missing renderer (*REDACTED DEVICE*)
2023-12-10T09:13:40.773269436Z [09:13:40.773] mDNSsearchCallback:390 [0x64f7e0]: keep missing renderer (*REDACTED DEVICE*)
2023-12-10T09:14:48.331029351Z [09:14:48.330] mDNSsearchCallback:390 [0x64f7e0]: keep missing renderer (*REDACTED DEVICE*)
2023-12-10T09:15:00.531063041Z [09:15:00.530] mDNSsearchCallback:390 [0x64ea40]: keep missing renderer (*REDACTED DEVICE*)
2023-12-10T09:16:48.349447336Z [09:16:48.349] UpdateDevices:358 [0x64f7e0]: removing renderer (*REDACTED DEVICE*) on timeout
2023-12-10T09:16:50.147466194Z Segmentation fault (core dumped)
2023-12-10T09:16:50.208927154Z [08:58:35.182] D TimeProv

Also noticed the weird internal timestamp at the end (goes back to the past) (leftmost is correct Docker timestamp).

philippe44 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the report - it's fixed in 0.8.1 (not officially released)

philippe44 commented 7 months ago

Should be there now

NGDM commented 7 months ago

Checked and fixed. Thanks!