philippe44 / SpotConnect

Turn any UPnP or AirPlay player into a Spotify Connect device
MIT License
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binaries in the repo #6

Closed mterron closed 1 year ago

mterron commented 1 year ago

Can you please remove the binaries (included thrice for good measure, once inside a zip file, then again in the bin directory and then as object in the .git/objects directory) from the repo and move them to releases? It's surprising behaviour to try to clone the repo and get a 380MB download that expands to over 600MB when I want to just build 1 arch/os.

For comparison, the repo size without the bins is 428K and with the binaries it is 635.5MB.

~/SpotConnect # du -sh .
635.5M  . # Due to the .git repo containing all the binaries once again
~/SpotConnect # rm -rf spotupnp/bin spotraop/bin/
~/SpotConnect # du -sh .
381.4M  .
~/SpotConnect # rm -rf .git
~/SpotConnect # du -sh .
428.0K  .
philippe44 commented 1 year ago

I can remove the bin/ but the zip will remain