philippe44 / mdnssvc

mDNS responder
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Can this replace avahie completly? #3

Open MattL0 opened 4 years ago

MattL0 commented 4 years ago

Hi ,

my case is that i have 3 raspi 3b +. They use avahi as a client i think to brodcast the hosname to whoever want it...

I get weird errors from avahi on my homeseer instalation, and this prevent the homeseer plugin to turn off properly, when i shutdown my HomeSeer sever.

---- I am not sure what is the client or server here.. but you like to know if i can replace avahie altogether with TinySVCmDNS ?

philippe44 commented 4 years ago

Yes and no. Avahi is very well supported, including security fixes. I know that there base I used have somme issues so I would recommend trying to find the problem you have with avahi. TinySVCmDNS make sense for a very targeted use