philippe44 / squeezelite-esp32

squeezelite ported to esp32
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Squeezelite and Lyriat board #28

Open kheperV3 opened 4 years ago

kheperV3 commented 4 years ago

I am trying to install Squeezelite on a Lyriat board. I think that the biggest problem is to handle the ES8388 chip (vs the AC101 on the SqueezeAmp board). I think there would be 2 possibilties:

(this is not an issue but a request for an advice!)

philippe44 commented 4 years ago

It depends what the ES8388 needs in term of I2C config. Do you know? BTW, SqueezeAMP is a TAS5756/54/80, not a AC101

kheperV3 commented 4 years ago

Yes I know it well enough (I wrote a handler for another app) (0x10 is the i2c chip address, up to 45 registers to be managed via i2c - much less in a simple use...) Could vous give me your opinion on this problem? Thanks!

philippe44 commented 4 years ago

How many for a simple use? you could use dac_controlset, it's not complicated. Otherwise you'll have to go the C route

kheperV3 commented 4 years ago

Hi Philippe, I'm trying the "dac_controlset" way.. 23 register writes for "init" 1 for "poweron" 1 for poweroff"

For the moment, it does not work... I'm trying to check the syntax... Any other idea ? (by the way, I work from the "generic I2S & BT" model, that's right?) Thanks!

kheperV3 commented 4 years ago

Hi Philippe, Today I worked on my Lyriat board using these nvs parameters : dac_config => bck=5,ws=25,do=26,sda=18,scl=23,i2c=16,port=0 dac_controlset => {"init":[{"reg"=25,"val"=4},{"reg"=2,"val"=0},{"reg"=8,"val"=0}{"reg"=4,"val"=192},{"reg"=0,"val"=18},{"reg"=1,"val"=0},{"reg"=23,"val"=24},{"reg"=24,"val"=2},{"reg"=38,"val"=9},{"reg"=39,"val"=144},{"reg"=42,"val"=144},{"reg"=43,"val"=128},{"reg"=45,"val"=0},{"reg"=27,"val"=0},{"reg"=26,"val"=0},{"reg"=46,"val"=33},{"reg"=47,"val"=33},{"reg"=4,"val"=12},{"reg"=25,"val"=0}],"poweron":[{"reg"=2, "val"=0}],"poweroff":[{"reg"=2,"val"=3}]}

And I watched the I2C signals SDA ans SCL using a logic analyser. =>It seems that there is no I2C transaction. What do you think about that ? Syntax errors ? False values?

Many thanks Louis

philippe44 commented 4 years ago

what do you have in traces?

philippe44 commented 4 years ago

And you're missing a few comma in the payload and syntax is wrong (using = instead of :) . Use a validator like this one

Use that example { "init": [ {"reg":41, "val":128}, {"reg":18, "val":255} ], "poweron": [ {"reg":18, "val":64, "mode":"or"} ], "poweroff": [ {"reg":18, "val":191, "mode":"and"} ] }

kheperV3 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the json validator. It seems that I have a lot of syntax errors ! I will correct all this from next week (short vacation...) I'll keep you informed...

kheperV3 commented 4 years ago

Hi Philippe! It works now! 1- I corrected the syntax of "dac_controlset" 2- But I had to add 2 lines in your code to create the MCLK clock (for the ES8388) from the CLK_OUT1 signal (pin23/gpio0 of the ESP32)

I wonder if this could not be done with an NVS parameter (existing or to be created) ? What do you think about this? Thanks! Louis

philippe44 commented 4 years ago

Can you share what you did?

kheperV3 commented 4 years ago

What I did: 1- NVS params dac_config => bck=5,ws=25,do=26,sda=18,scl=23,i2c=32,model=I2S dac_controlset => {"init": [{ "reg": 0, "val": 128 }, { "reg": 0, "val": 0 }, { "reg": 25, "val": 4 }, .... ( about 20 items) set_GPIO => 21=amp 2- in file "esp_app_main.c" at line 368 (after "config_init();") I added this: // GPIO0 => CLK_OUT1 PIN_FUNC_SELECT(PERIPHS_IO_MUX_GPIO0_U, FUNC_GPIO0_CLK_OUT1); WRITE_PERI_REG(PIN_CTRL, READ_PERI_REG(PIN_CTRL)& 0xFFFFFFF0);

philippe44 commented 3 years ago

oh but can't you just not use MCLK (register 43, bit4)?

kheperV3 commented 3 years ago

I have already tried this. But it does not work on the Lyriat board (why?...)

dtorner commented 3 years ago

Hey @kheperV3 would you mind to share the config you used to get the lyrat board working? I'm trying to figure it out by myself, but I'm having problems... Thanks in advance.

kheperV3 commented 3 years ago

Hi dtorner You have to do what is in my September post . And for "dac-controlset" you must put the following values (respecting the json format) R00 = 00 R25 = 04 R01 = 50 R02 = 00 R08 = 00 R04 = c0 R00 = 12 R01 = 00 R23 = 18 R24 = 02 R38 = 09 R39 = 90 R42 = 90 R43 = 80 R45 = 00 R27 = 00 R26 = 00 R02 = f0 R02 = 00 R29 = 1c R04 = 30 R25 = 00 R46 = 21 R47 = 21 I hope this will be useful for you ...

dtorner commented 3 years ago

Thanks you very much @kheperV3, I'll try to get it working using that info.

Mikescops commented 2 years ago

Hey @kheperV3, thanks for the work on LyraT. I'm just getting into playing with this board and the squeezelite project.

I followed your post here but I'm struggling with the last part with the dac_controlset setting.

I get the idea of converting the different registers to a JSON format but how does it fit in the different actions possible (init/poweron/...)

I'm curious to know (and eager to learn) how you went to have everything working :smile:

philippe44 commented 2 years ago

This section of the README tells you how to use dac_controlset

Mikescops commented 2 years ago

thanks @philippe44, I've already looked at how to use the dac_controlset and I get it but what I don't understand is how to find the expected registers that I need to set (sorry if it's a stupid question)

philippe44 commented 2 years ago

Don't worry about stupid or not stupid question :smile:. Now if your board as an ES8388 codec, support is now built-in, you just have to set model=ES83888 (see README) and set the proper gpio in the dac_config and you are good to go!

Mikescops commented 2 years ago

Damn, how could I miss that :sweat_smile: Thanks a lot! It's working perfectly :tada:

Ok, now I have to take some time to understand it all but that's a start, thanks again :)

philippe44 commented 2 years ago

Glad to help (un Français peut-être?)

Mikescops commented 2 years ago

oui ! :fr:

philippe44 commented 2 years ago

Tu peux nous retrouver sur notre gitter (ça ne parle pas que de SqueezeAMP)

gnkarn commented 2 years ago

Hi , im trying to get the lyrat firmware flashed, and i tried to make the configuration working by compiling with VS code studio ( and the extensions) , with no luck after spending lot of time , so my question are : is there a binar i could flash , to get it initially working?, is it possible to flash it from a MAC?, si there a step by step procedure to get the environment correctly set for VSC? , thanks a lot and appreciate any help .

philippe44 commented 2 years ago

Please go there