philippec / PhFacebook

MacOSX Interface to Facebook graph API
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how to upload image #31

Closed sserafimov closed 12 years ago

sserafimov commented 12 years ago

Hi Philippec,

I'm new with programing under MacOS and I still learning how to do some things. I'm very happy that I found your framework and it's seems that everything is working fine, but I'm trying to do 2 things whit it and I just can't understand how can I do it whit the framework. 1 .how can I upload image.

  1. how can I put some feed on my wall. Probably you are very busy but I'll be very happy if you can put some little example how this can be done. Perhaps and the other users of the framework will be also happy to know how to upload some news on the walls using the framework. Thank you in advance. Best Regards, sserafimov
philippec commented 12 years ago


I'm glad you find the framework useful, but in reality what you want to do is part of the Facebook Graph API, so that's where you should look for help about putting some feed on your wall, for instance.

The framework is designed to be generic and to allow you to send pretty much any Facebook command.

Cheers, Philippe