philippec / PhFacebook

MacOSX Interface to Facebook graph API
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Passing optional GET parameters to Graph Calls does not work #34

Closed raffael closed 12 years ago

raffael commented 12 years ago

Say, I want to access the user's mailbox:

[fb sendRequest: @"me/inbox"];

This works fine. But as soon as I want to pass the optional GET parameter 'since' to the Graph call, I get an error that no Access token has been passed:

[fb sendRequest: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"me/inbox?since=%d",unixTime]];

I assume that PhFacebook appends ?access_token=… to every API call, which results in two question marks in the API URI.

philippec commented 12 years ago

Good catch, I did not know that was possible.

Fixed in the latest commit. Thanks!