philippfrenzel / yii2fullcalendar

JQuery Fullcalendar Yii2 Extension
GNU General Public License v2.0
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How to merge google calendar and custom events #69

Closed manosl24 closed 7 years ago

manosl24 commented 8 years ago


I added google calendar with json event using this extension. Now how to use event click and client side scripting events

philippfrenzel commented 8 years ago

pls. refer to the site on how to use events - you can pass them in the clientOptions

manosl24 commented 8 years ago

Dear Philippfrenzel,

Thanks for your reply, in clientOptions how to pass javascript events, can you please tell me...

philippfrenzel commented 8 years ago

full example

<?= yii2fullcalendar\yii2fullcalendar::widget([
          'options' => [
            'id' => 'weekplanner',
            'lang' => substr(\Yii::$app->language,0,2),
            'class' => 'fullcalendar'
          'header' => [
            'left' => 'prev',
            'center' => 'title',
            'right' => 'next'
          'clientOptions' => [
                'views' => [
                    'agendaWeek' =>[
                        'titleFormat' => 'w',
                'defaultView' => 'agendaWeek',
                'defaultDate' => $defaultDate,
                'allDaySlot' => false,
                'slotDuration' => '00:15:00',
                'minTime' => '06:00:00',
                'maxTime' => '21:00:00',
                'height' => 850,
                'selectable' => true,
                'selectHelper' => true,
                'select' => new JsExpression($JSEventSelect),
                'editable' => true,
                'eventLimit' => true,
                'eventRender' => new JsExpression($JSEventRender),
                'eventResize' => new JsExpression($JSEventResize),
                'eventDrop' => new JsExpression($JSEventDrop),
          'ajaxEvents' => Url::toRoute(['/timeschedule/timeschedule-detail/json','id' => $model->id])
manosl24 commented 8 years ago

Dear philippfrenzel,

Thanks for your response,i hope its helpful to me...also i added google calendar

philippfrenzel commented 7 years ago

Hey, you can prefetch events within your model (from google) and join them together with you local ones - or afterLoad you can add your local events

philippfrenzel commented 7 years ago

no news on this, will be closed

gasserol commented 7 years ago

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