philipproplesch / Web.Optimization

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Performance Woes #1

Open mattgi opened 12 years ago

mattgi commented 12 years ago

I have just started to pull in in to my project and am adding scss files to a bundle in Global.asax.cs as per the below snippet (from Application_Start()):

var sass = new Bundle("~/app.css", new SassTransform()); sass.AddFile("~/Content/sass/bootstrap.scss"); BundleTable.Bundles.Add(sass);

In my layout I then have: @Html.RenderBundle("~/app.css")

This is all working but it is taking about 55 seconds on first load of the page.

Is this the correct usage and, if so, have you any ideas on ways to improve performance? Maybe a pre-compile option that occurs on Application_Start and then the actual bundle uses these pre-compiled files or something?

Hopefully I'm just missing a step as I really like this approach to using SASS and CoffeeScript.

detaybey commented 7 years ago

Using the SassStyleBundle under RegisterBundles, and it takes forever to compile as well.