Open philipstaffordwood opened 1 year ago
Demo of build and verification of config:
# when was this done:
# is microk8s installed?
microk8s version
# is microk8s up?
microk8s status
# are the required addons enabled?
microk8s status | grep "dns\|helm3\|ingress\|registry"
# show nothing is deployed yet:
microk8s helm ls
# build and push images and deploy:
make deploy-microk8s
# verify static entries:
grep chart-example /etc/hosts
As a developer on the project, I need to provision a local development environment to test features, And deploy the microservices, So that I can verify that the microservices are working
Acceptance Criteria
Given that I have deployed the microservices in my local development environment
When I load the application in a web browser
Then the front end application should be displayed
The same way that I run the microservices on my computer should be the same way that I run on cloud (Another team member that works closely with you will take what you have done and deploy to the cloud, consider how your work will affect her.)
Should include good documentation so we know how to set it up