philipwalton / flexbugs

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IE 11 - image resizing bug? #75

Open darby3 opened 9 years ago

darby3 commented 9 years ago

So, I'm resizing an image to fill the width of a flex div. In Chrome, this works like I would expect it to: the image fills the div by width and auto's the height proportionally. In IE 11, though, it appears to size the image correctly, but the surrounding body div sizes up its height (never collapses) as if the full height of the source image were there.

IE 11 bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

philipwalton commented 9 years ago

I think this is definitely a bug. What's interesting is it only seems to happen with a nested flexbox. If you comment out the flex declaration on the wrapper element, it renders correctly.

Have you found a workaround? I think there's a whole class of IE-related bugs that result from nested flexboxes, but I haven't found enough commonalities or generalized workarounds to be able to properly document them.

darby3 commented 9 years ago

I don't think I found a workaround yet (other than, like, using consistently sized images so at least I don't wind up with random bursts of excessive whitespace) but I'll be looking at my use cases again in the next week or so.

darby3 commented 9 years ago

Possible workaround: applying a 1px min-height to the body div in the above example collapses the div as I'd expect it to.

Kind of a shot in the dark, I stole the min-height idea from something else and tried it on a whim, but now I can't remember where I saw it/used it.; I have it applied to some form input elements in another project (for some reason that must have made sense at the time but which I didn't document)..

philipwalton commented 9 years ago

Hmmm, it's very strange why 1px works but not 0px. I'm hesitant to suggest a workaround if I can't explain why it works. Any ideas?

darby3 commented 9 years ago

"Why" is a bit over my head. I can also say I just used a min-width:1px to make form inputs in Firefox respect a flex-basis percentage. It's all a bit magic pixie dust to me but I'd love to know if someone can explain what's going on here.

ScottTrenda commented 8 years ago

I just finished dealing with this bug. It's terrible and unintuitive. Here's a stripped-down code example that describes and replicates the bug in IE10 and IE11: Adding min-height: 1px to the flex item does, in fact, work around the issue. There's some sort of sorcery going on here in IE's guts. My best guess is that the min-height forces IE to recalculate the height of the rendered content after all of the resizing, and that makes it realize that the height is different. Here's the code example with the workaround:

Thanks @darby3 for putting up this workaround. I've been beating myself up over this stupid bug for a few days now, and never would have thought of min-height.

rtack commented 8 years ago

the problem is that while the immediate flexbox parent can be fixed like that. embedding the example into the sticky footer for example will still make the site-content use the effective image height and not the resized calculated image height.

SteveByerly commented 7 years ago

@ScottTrenda thank you so much! fixed my issues.

DominicLee commented 7 years ago

@ScottTrenda Thanks from 2017.

spencerwalker commented 6 years ago

@ScottTrenda Thanks from 2018.

chicgeek commented 6 years ago

This is a bug reported to Microsoft (I can't find the link now!). As it's for IE it's marked as a nofix, but with the above workaround in a comment as a solution.

oneezy commented 6 years ago

@ScottTrenda Thanks from 2019! (wanted to be first)

YanaPivovarova commented 6 years ago

@ScottTrenda Thank you so much. I've spent a lot of hours trying to solve that problem. Thank you!!

jesterchen commented 6 years ago

Another "Thank You!" from me. I was going crazy about this one.

Jip-Hop commented 6 years ago

As @rtack mentioned, the min-height trick doesn't work when the flexbox grid is inside of another flexbox grid, like the Holy Grail Layout. Here's my example

Seems like there isn't a workaround for this case...

yowlonglee commented 6 years ago

Thank you from 2018!

alien-overlords commented 6 years ago

Thanks from 2372.

Anitorious commented 6 years ago

@Jip-Hop I seem to have discovered a work-around for this, setting the flex container to min-height: 1px and the image element to have a max-height: [VALUE], as well as max-width: 100%, with the max-height value being as large as you may want the image to be before the image stops being responsive. At least, this approach has worked for me.

lejazz commented 6 years ago

Thank you @darby3 and @ScottTrenda. You have made my day!

ara303 commented 6 years ago

Thank you, @darby3 and @ScottTrenda! The two of you managed to save me from hours of frustration figuring out why this wasn't working.

It's a shame that this isn't in the Flexbugs page properly. FWIW, this issue is quite high up on the google search for "ie11 flexbox image size bug". It would be good if people were directed to the proper Flexbugs page than this issue, but I understand that it's due to lack of documentation. Anyway, thanks for this. 😄

Muhammad-Ifrahim commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone I go through all of the discussion it's a very good discussion but doing what you guys figure out still remain the height of the card same and the space is created between the image and the text

joaoantoniorabelo commented 5 years ago

I've got to the point that that I've set the max-width for the image inside the flex-item that would not affect height and would not affect the image resizing.

The layout I need to have is: [--------] [-] [-] [-]

The small boxes won't grow much until it reach mobile size and it would need some css changes to adjust for a stacked mobile display.

-FlexBox --Flex-Item ---Img(width: 100%; max-width: 300px;)

reloxx13 commented 5 years ago

happened for me today with bootstrap4 and an image inside .modal-body

min-height: 1px; on .modal-body fixed it.

//IE10/11 only
@media screen and(-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {
   * IE11 Fix image auto height
  .modal-body {
    min-height: 1px;
imrvelj commented 5 years ago

THANKS! :pray: :pray: :pray:

coreylafferty commented 5 years ago

Thanks from 2019. :)

SkReD commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot, @darby3 and @ScottTrenda!

Possible workaround: applying a 1px min-height to the body div in the above example collapses the div as I'd expect it to.

Kind of a shot in the dark, I stole the min-height idea from something else and tried it on a whim, but now I can't remember where I saw it/used it.; I have it applied to some form input elements in another project (for some reason that must have made sense at the time but which I didn't document)..

This also works with min-height: 0%

MarcelMorgengry commented 5 years ago

@ScottTrenda Thanks, worked perfectly for UIkit 3.0.3

sassquad commented 5 years ago

Another thank you @ScottTrenda from me. This bug nearly drove me crazy today, and I'm sure it's kicked me up the behind a few times before today as well.


stas-kh commented 5 years ago

I cannot imagine that it is still a workaround in 2019... Thank you very much!

garrettw commented 5 years ago

That's what happens when development stops on an old browser version.

eliorivero commented 4 years ago

Thanks from Sep 2019!

thomaside commented 4 years ago

Thanks from 2020. :)

jurajk commented 4 years ago

this saved me today! thanks many times.

TomBallagh commented 4 years ago

Thanks from March 2020. Saved me a lot of headache.

Discartyptics commented 4 years ago

Thanks from March 2020 as well!

CameronHCouch commented 4 years ago


psreddy1414 commented 4 years ago

Thanks from April 2020..!!

KennanChan commented 4 years ago

Thanks from July 2020!

ryokkkke commented 4 years ago

Thanks from Aug 2020! I added min-height and removed parent flex grid because the workaround won't work in nested flex elements.

kronthto commented 3 years ago

I'll continue the custom 😸:

Thanks from October 2020!

..just ridiculous we are still dealing with this browser

bertrand-riviere commented 3 years ago

how on hell could someone come up with such workaround?! ;) nevermind, just saved me after several hours of head scratching!! 🙏🙏🙏

wortwart commented 3 years ago

The min-height fix doesn't necessarily have to be applied to the flexboxes. In my case I had a few layers of elements between the and the nested flexboxes. Setting the min-height to the flexboxes did not help but applying it to one of the immediate elements fixed the problem. You can decrease the min-height to .1px or less.

ricardosaracino commented 3 years ago

@ScottTrenda thanks from 2021 because we are still using IE11 🙇🏻‍♂️

heinrich-ulbricht commented 3 years ago

Thanks from September 2021!