Open Mufanc opened 1 year ago
Sometimes the name item in a .desktop file will only contain CJK characters, in which case a configuration item that enables tofi to also try to match the filename of the .dekstop file will greatly improve the efficiency of the user's search.
For example, for the following desktop file:
# /usr/share/applications/com.gitee.gmg137.NeteaseCloudMusicGtk4.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=NetEase Cloud Music Gtk4 Name[zh_CN]=网易云音乐 Name[zh_TW]=網易雲音樂 Comment=NetEase Cloud Music Gtk4 Comment[zh_CN]=网易云音乐 Comment[zh_TW]=網易雲音樂 Exec=netease-cloud-music-gtk4 Icon=com.gitee.gmg137.NeteaseCloudMusicGtk4 StartupWMClass=com.gitee.gmg137.NeteaseCloudMusicGtk4 Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=GTK;Audio;AudioVideo StartupNotify=true
Searching using an application name requires three steps:
If it is allowed to search by filenames, you can simply type gmg and the application will be opened.
Hey, sorry for the slow response. This sounds reasonable, and should be fairly easy to implement. I'll have a look into it
No need to apologize. Thanks for the project :)
Sometimes the name item in a .desktop file will only contain CJK characters, in which case a configuration item that enables tofi to also try to match the filename of the .dekstop file will greatly improve the efficiency of the user's search.
For example, for the following desktop file:
Searching using an application name requires three steps:
If it is allowed to search by filenames, you can simply type
and the application will be opened.