Creating an index pattern works but sadly the request times out and then the next time the provider tries to create it again.
resource "elasticsearch_kibana_object" "team_index_pattern" {
for_each = toset([for team in local.teams : team])
index = "${lower(each.value)}-*"
body = <<EOF
"_id": "index-pattern:${lower(each.value)}-*",
"_type": "_doc",
"_source": {
"type": "index-pattern",
"index-pattern": {
"title": "${lower(each.value)}-*",
"timeFieldName": "@timestamp"
2023-02-03T11:38:45.473+0100 [INFO] provider.terraform-provider-elasticsearch_v2.0.7: 2023/02/03 11:38:45 [INFO] Failed to put kibana object: Put "": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers): timestamp=2023-02-03T11:38:45.472+0100
It would be great if we could increase the timeout. In the end the index pattern is created but it still doesn't find it and there is no way to import the index.
Creating an index pattern works but sadly the request times out and then the next time the provider tries to create it again.
It would be great if we could increase the timeout. In the end the index pattern is created but it still doesn't find it and there is no way to import the index.
I'm using opensearch version 2.3.