phillbush / xmenu

a x11 menu utility
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Xresources font choice format? #31

Closed GideonWolfe closed 2 years ago

GideonWolfe commented 2 years ago

So I just set up xmenu on my new laptop and am using the AUR package and the .Xresources theming for the first time (also added it for pmenu) and it works great!!

The only issue is that previously I specified a font inside config.h (FontAwesome) that I was using for icon characters/symbols that wouldn't look out of place.


Since switching to this new configuration method, my FontAwesome icons show up as absurdly small


This is how I was configuring my fonts in config.h

  .font = "HackNerdFont:size=9,FontAwesome:size=9",

And this is how I am configuring them in my .Xresources

xmenu.font:                  xft:Hack Nerd Font Mono:size=8:antialias=true,xft:FontAwesome:style=Regular:pixelsize=12

Any ideas why I'm getting a super small size for these characters? I've tried ajusting pixelsize, size, I'm not sure how to make them bigger.

phillbush commented 2 years ago

The .Xresources value does not have a xft: prefixed to each font.
(But I think it should... since the same resource for xterm(1) needs the xft: prefix).
In fact, both the resource and the config.h values have the same syntax, so just copy the string from config.h into the Xresources file.

GideonWolfe commented 2 years ago

Fantastic, copying the string worked just fine :) Thanks again!