phillips321 / adaudit

Powershell script to do domain auditing automation
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Get-Acl : The object name has bad syntax #16

Closed licorsec closed 2 weeks ago

licorsec commented 3 years ago

I was getting a "Get-Acl : The object name has bad syntax" when the Get-OUPerms function was running. According to this reddit post, it's a known issue. I simply changed Get-Acl AD:$object to Get-Acl "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll\ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/$object" and everything seems to be working again. By the way, thanks for taking the time to create and share this script. It pulls all the good stuff I would care about and saved me many hours by not having to put something together myself.

Cool34000 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, it worked for me too

Cool34000 commented 2 years ago

Update AdAudit.ps1 #20

Cool34000 commented 2 years ago

Can be closed as per #20

superswan commented 8 months ago

I am having a similar issue with Find-DangerousACLPermissions on Server 2012 R2

Modifying the function to use the old syntax no longer produces an error but I'm not able to confirm whether it's working properly at this time.

$acl = (Get-Acl AD:$computer).Access (using $object.DistinguishedName) produces a type error.

    #Specify the ACLs and Groups to check against
    $dangerousAces = @('GenericAll', 'GenericWrite', 'ForceChangePassword', 'WriteDacl', 'WriteOwner', 'Delete')
    $groupsToCheck = @('NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users', 'DOMAIN\Domain Users', 'Everyone')

    # Find dangerous permissions on Computers
    $computers = Get-ADObject -Filter { objectClass -eq 'computer' -and objectCategory -eq 'computer' } -Properties *
    $computerResults = foreach ($computer in $computers) {
        try {
            #$acl = Get-Acl -Path "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll\ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/$($computer.DistinguishedName)"
            $acl = (Get-Acl AD:$computer).Access
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Could not retrieve ACL for computer '$computer': $_"

        $dangerousRules = $acl.Access | Where-Object { $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -in $dangerousAces -and $_.IdentityReference -in $groupsToCheck }

        if ($dangerousRules) {
            foreach ($rule in $dangerousRules) {
                    ObjectType            = 'Computer'
                    ObjectName            = $computer
                    IdentityReference     = $rule.IdentityReference
                    AccessControlType     = $rule.AccessControlType
                    ActiveDirectoryRights = $rule.ActiveDirectoryRights
        Write-Progress -Activity "Searching for dangerous ACL permissions on computers" -Status "Computers searched: $($computers.IndexOf($computer) + 1)/$($computers.Count)" -PercentComplete (($computers.IndexOf($computer) + 1) / $computers.Count * 100)

    # Find dangerous permissions on groups
    $groups = Get-ADObject -Filter { objectClass -eq 'group' -and objectCategory -eq 'group' } -Properties *
    $groupResults = foreach ($group in $groups) {
        try {
            #$acl = Get-Acl -Path "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll\ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/$($group.DistinguishedName)"
            $acl = (Get-Acl AD:$group).Access
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Could not retrieve ACL for group '$group': $_"

        $dangerousRules = $acl.Access | Where-Object { $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -in $dangerousAces -and $_.IdentityReference -in $groupsToCheck }

        if ($dangerousRules) {
            foreach ($rule in $dangerousRules) {
                    ObjectType            = 'Group'
                    ObjectName            = $group
                    IdentityReference     = $rule.IdentityReference
                    AccessControlType     = $rule.AccessControlType
                    ActiveDirectoryRights = $rule.ActiveDirectoryRights
        Write-Progress -Activity "Searching for dangerous ACL permissions on groups" -Status "Groups searched: $($groups.IndexOf($group) + 1)/$($groups.Count)" -PercentComplete (($groups.IndexOf($group) + 1) / $groups.Count * 100)
    # Find dangerous permissions on users
    $users = Get-ADObject -Filter { objectClass -eq 'user' -and objectCategory -eq 'person' } -Properties *

    $userResults = foreach ($user in $users) {
        $acl = $null
        #$acl = Get-Acl -Path "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll\ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/$($user.DistinguishedName)"
         $acl = (Get-Acl AD:$user).Access
        if ($acl) {
            $dangerousRules = $acl.Access | Where-Object { $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -in $dangerousAces -and $_.IdentityReference -in $groupsToCheck }
            if ($dangerousRules) {
                foreach ($rule in $dangerousRules) {
                        ObjectType            = 'User'
                        ObjectName            = $user
                        IdentityReference     = $rule.IdentityReference
                        AccessControlType     = $rule.AccessControlType
                        ActiveDirectoryRights = $rule.ActiveDirectoryRights
            Write-Progress -Activity "Searching for dangerous ACL permissions on users" -Status "Users searched: $($users.IndexOf($user) + 1)/$($users.Count)" -PercentComplete (($users.IndexOf($user) + 1) / $users.Count * 100)

    # Output results
    if ($computerResults) {
        $computerResults | ConvertTo-Html -Property @{ Label = "Type"; Expression = { "Computer" } }, @{ Label = "Computer Name"; Expression = { $_.ObjectName } }, @{ Label = "Allowed Group"; Expression = { $_.IdentityReference } }, AccessControlType, ActiveDirectoryRights | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 $outputdir\dangerousACLs.html -Append
        $computerResults | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property ObjectType, ObjectName, IdentityReference, AccessControlType | Out-File $outputdir\dangerousACL_Computer.txt -Encoding UTF8
        Write-Both "    [!] Issue identified, vulnerable ACL on Computer, see $outputdir\dangerousACL_Computer.txt"
        Write-Nessus-Finding "Weak Computer Permissions" "KB551" ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$outputdir\dangerousACL_Computer.txt"))
    else {
        Write-Host "    [+] No dangerous ACL permissions were found on any computer."

    if ($groupResults) {
        $groupResults | ConvertTo-Html -Property @{ Label = "Type"; Expression = { "Group" } }, @{ Label = "Group Name"; Expression = { $_.ObjectName } }, @{ Label = "Allowed Group"; Expression = { $_.IdentityReference } }, AccessControlType, ActiveDirectoryRights | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 $outputdir\dangerousACLs.html -Append
        $groupResults | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property ObjectType, ObjectName, IdentityReference, AccessControlType, ActiveDirectoryRights | Out-File $outputdir\dangerousACL_Groups.txt
        Write-Both "    [!] Issue identified, vulnerable ACL on Group, see $outputdir\dangerousACL_Groups.txt"
        Write-Nessus-Finding "Weak Group Permissions" "KB551" ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$outputdir\dangerousACL_Groups.txt"))
    else {
        Write-Host "    [+] No dangerous ACL permissions were found on any group."
    if ($userResults) {
        $userResults | ConvertTo-Html -Property @{ Label = "Type"; Expression = { "User" } }, @{ Label = "User"; Expression = { $_.ObjectName } }, @{ Label = "Allowed Group"; Expression = { $_.IdentityReference } }, AccessControlType, ActiveDirectoryRights | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 $outputdir\dangerousACLs.html -Append
        $userResults | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property ObjectType, ObjectName, IdentityReference, AccessControlType, ActiveDirectoryRights | Out-File $outputdir\dangerousACLUsers.txt
        Write-Both "    [!] Issue identified, vulnerable ACL on User, see $outputdir\dangerousACLUsers.txt"
        Write-Nessus-Finding "Weak User Permissions" "KB551" ([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$outputdir\dangerousACLUsers.txt"))
    else {
        Write-Host "    [+] No dangerous ACL permissions were found on any user."

Edit for clarity

thehodown commented 2 weeks ago

I've found that the 'old' syntax works on 2016 DCs, but produces errors on some objects (for example with a \ in the distinguished name). I've therefore added this if statement for when Get-Acl is run, it'll probably need to be updated to include support for server 2025:

    if ($OSVersion -like "Windows Server 2019*" -or $OSVersion -like "Windows Server 2022*") {
$acl = Get-Acl -Path "Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll\ActiveDirectory:://RootDSE/$($group.DistinguishedName)"} else {
$acl = Get-Acl AD:\$group}

Have done this for $group, $user and $computer where Get-Acl is called.

It'll still error on some objects with specific characters in their name when run on 2016 systems, but this seems to be the best overall option for compatability.

phillips321 commented 2 weeks ago

@thehodown you think this is fixed and we can close the issue?