Closed Cool34000 closed 2 years ago
Simple check:
Get-ADReplAccount -All -Server $env:ComputerName -NamingContext $(Get-ADDomain | select -exp DistinguishedName) | Test-PasswordQuality -IncludeDisabledAccounts
If you downloaded HaveIBeenPwned hash file (30GB once unzipped!), you can also search for weak passwords:
Get-ADReplAccount -All -Server $env:ComputerName -NamingContext $(Get-ADDomain | select -exp DistinguishedName) | Test-PasswordQuality -IncludeDisabledAccounts -WeakPasswordHashesFile "C:\Path\to\pwned-passwords-ntlm-ordered-by-hash-v8.txt"
So, I've added the DSInternals PS module as an optionnal check
If not installed, you can force install with -installdeps
It is not included if you use the -all
flag - Choice is yours!
You need at least PowerShell 5 to install DSInternals module.
I'm testing DSInternals PS Module and I found it very nice.
It quickly generates a password quality report like this (empty for this example) :
It's easy to install as it's in PSGallery (at least for WS 2016+):
Install-Module -Name DSInternals
It would be great to add this toy to go deeper in password auditing, but I don't know how much to integrate it as it needs to be installed first.What do you think about it? I think the better way to integrate it would be to do the checks only if the module is found and tell the user to download/install it manually if not present (I wouldn't like a script to do this for me)