phillmac / ChatBridge

A text chat bridge between IRC and TS3 servers using PircBotX and TheHolyWaffle's TeamSpeak-3-Java-API
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IRC chatback from ts3 shows the words null multiple times #2

Open BobOkisama opened 7 years ago

BobOkisama commented 7 years ago

[11:05pm] BobOkinullTS3:nullRAWR ^^ That is what the mirc side looks like. The TS3 side looks just fine when someone talks from irc.

Not sure why there are two null that is being thrown in. I tried with and without the messageseparator: "TS3:" and the null still shows up.

akacross commented 7 years ago

use this copy

BobOkisama commented 7 years ago

Using that, with all standard settings ":" as separator and no message color or messageseparatorcolor, when I type in TS3 nothing happens at all, when I type in IRC the java reports: "Can't send to TS3: bot not initalsed yet."

I do see both the irc bot in channel and the ts3 stating it is active in TS3.

akacross commented 7 years ago

share your config!

phillmac commented 7 years ago

If you would like me to join your teamspeak/irc and have a look I am happy to do that. Let me know your TS3 address.

BobOkisama commented 7 years ago

I would be happy to share my configs, but don't really want to do so in a public forum? Can I email them to you, they would have connect info to be able to see everything.

In the meantime here they are XXed out: host: "" port: "6667" channel: "#XXX" nick: "BobTrivia" autoreconnect: "true" messageseperator: ":" messageseperatorcolor: "" messagecolor: ""

And ts3

host: "XXX queryport: "10011" voiceport: "9987" username: "BobOkiTrivia" password: "XXXXX" nick: "BobOkiTrivia" channel: "Lobby"