philly-js-club / philly-js-club-website

The website for Philly JS. Powered by React, Remix, and TypeScript. πŸ””βœ¨
MIT License
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Add RSS feed, resolves 38 #50

Open chethtrayen opened 1 year ago

chethtrayen commented 1 year ago

PR Checklist


Added an RSS feed generator and RSS generator config. This will generate an RSS.xml file in the public folder.
Infomation about RSS

How to test:

How to update RSS XML feed:

Feed items can be updated in the feed section in lib/rss/rss.config.json

What next:

Where it can expand


<?xml version="1.0" ?><rss version="2.0"><channel><description>The Philadelphia JavaScript Club, founded in 2022, is a a place for developers of all skill and experience levels to connect, show off their work, and learn new things.</description><language>en-US</language><link></link><title>Philly JS Club</title><item><description>The Philadelphia JavaScript Club, founded in 2022, is a a place for developers of all skill and experience levels to connect, show off their work, and learn new things.</description><link></link><title>Welcome to Philly JS club</title></item></channel></rss>
tjwds commented 1 year ago

@chethtrayen Awesome, I think this is a great start!

I think we're going to want to:

Let me know if you want me to go into detail about any of those!

JoshuaKGoldberg commented 6 months ago

πŸ‘‹ ping @chethtrayen, is this still something you have time and interest for?