phillytan / FinanceTracker

UBC CPSC 455 Class Project
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Scrum Update 2 - Due 11 June 10PM #12

Open vangeliq opened 1 year ago

vangeliq commented 1 year ago


What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Total: ~5 sentences max! See the Grading Rubric here:

2: Includes all 3 points. Demonstrates a bit of meaningful reflection on at least one item in the report. 1: Simplistic, or no meaningful, specific information. 0: Missing or Late.

kevin-chen452 commented 1 year ago

z2w2b In this past iteration, I worked on the frontend and a bit on adding Redux to the project. The major challenge has been figuring out where Redux should be added. In this iteration, I plan to add Redux to appropriate components, such as AddTransactionItem and UpdateTransactionItem as well as other Transaction components for instance. I also plan to discuss with the team about where else Redux should be used.

vangeliq commented 1 year ago

t8n0e In the past iteration, I worked on creating a wireframe on Figma and also the TransactionItem component. The major challenge for me was figuring out how I would send the item information to the pop-up and figuring out when/how the pop-up will show up. In the upcoming iteration, I plan to discuss with the team about the dashboard front end and how redux will be implemented on the existing components.

chin9 commented 1 year ago

x8f2n In the past iteration, I worked on implementing the UI of the login and signup pages. The main challenge for me would probably be styling the pages while using Material UI. Next iteration, I hope to discuss with the team about the dashboard frontend, adding redux, adding the backend, and adding logic to our existing UI to work towards fulfilling our minimal and standard requirements.

RebeccaLiu1 commented 1 year ago

t2m3b In this past iteration, I worked on implementing the UI components for AddTransactionItem and UpdateTransactionItem. The main challenge for me was learning how to best utilize the different built in stylings of Material UI. In this coming iteration, I hope to work with my team to further develop the UI for our dashboard as well as start adding redux to support functionalities for our current UI components.

phillytan commented 1 year ago

j6v2b I worked on building the component structure of the app and installing Material UI Library. The main challenge for me was dealing with Javascript as VS Code’s Intellisense wasn’t that smart compared to TypeScript and I was used to typescript giving me proactive alerts. I hope to build the UI further and start working on the backend.