phillytan / FinanceTracker

UBC CPSC 455 Class Project
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Scrum Update 3 - Due 25 June 10PM #18

Open kevin-chen452 opened 1 year ago

kevin-chen452 commented 1 year ago


What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Total: ~5 sentences max! See the Grading Rubric here:

2: Includes all 3 points. Demonstrates a bit of meaningful reflection on at least one item in the report. 1: Simplistic, or no meaningful, specific information. 0: Missing or Late.

kevin-chen452 commented 1 year ago

z2w2b In this past iteration, I worked primarily on adding Redux to the project, adding the 3 redux actions as well as refactoring the relevant transaction components that would use Redux. I didn't run into any major issues, but one issue was thinking about what small enhancements could be added to the project such as adding confirmation dialogs and animations. In the coming iteration, I plan to setup Node and Express and modify our existing dispatches so that they are communicating to the database instead.

vangeliq commented 1 year ago

t8n0e In the past iteration, I worked on adding components such as the dashboard page, and a line chart component. I also implemented the drawer for the NavBar. I didn't run into any significant issues, but I spent a lot of time figuring out how flexible the dashboard graph components (such as the line chart) should be to our needs. Discussing these in our next meeting will help structure the flow better. For the next iteration, I plan to help finish our minimal and standard goals. I'll discuss with the group further on how we'll break down what needs to be done into specific tasks, which we will then work on.

RebeccaLiu1 commented 1 year ago

t2m3b In the past iteration, I worked on implementing the delete confirmation component. I also worked on implementing the pie chart for the dashboard graph components. I did not run into any challenges this week, I spent some time reading through the documentation for recharts to familiarize myself with that. I plan to continue working towards our minimal and standard goals in the next iteration. We will discuss more in depth on the task breakdown as a group and assign the tasks to each individual.

chin9 commented 1 year ago


In the past iteration, I worked on implementing the stacked bar chart used to track daily transactions. I didn’t really run into any significant challenge, but I had to do a bit of searching to figure out how to show the data with dollar signs. Next iteration, more discussion needs to be done and I hope we can setup our express server and database. Also, I hope we can complete most of our minimal and standard goals.

phillytan commented 1 year ago


I worked on implementing the recharts library and providing the direction of the project + cleaning up codebase. Not much challenges on our end and was pretty straightforward. I plan to start working on backend and ensuring that everything works well by next iteration.