phillytan / FinanceTracker

UBC CPSC 455 Class Project
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Scrum Update 6 - Due 13 Aug 11:59PM #58

Open kevin-chen452 opened 1 year ago

kevin-chen452 commented 1 year ago


What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? What would you (hypothetically) plan to work on for this coming iteration if you were to continue on the project? Total: ~5 sentences max! See the Grading Rubric here:

2: Includes all 3 points. Demonstrates a bit of meaningful reflection on at least one item in the report. 1: Simplistic, or no meaningful, specific information. 0: Missing or Late.

kevin-chen452 commented 1 year ago

z2w2b In this past iteration, I mainly worked on fleshing out budget goals functionality, specifically adding the status checkbox and update/delete functionality. One challenge I faced this past iteration was dealing with React states for the goal status checkbox, there was an issue where a user needed to click the checkbox twice for it to update, due to a React state issue. If I were to continue working on the project, I would change the dashboard so that the timeframe for all the graphs could be changed with one "main" toggle, but also add an individual toggle for each specific component so that a user can also customize each graph/statistic individually too, allowing for more flexibility.

vangeliq commented 1 year ago


on this iteration i worked on implementing the future spending predictions. A major issue i ran into was making the prediction run at a reasonable time.on the hypothetical next iteration, i plan on cleaning up the UI of the dashboard to make it look neater

RebeccaLiu1 commented 1 year ago

t2m3b In this iteration, I worked on finalizing the top categories component and adding the date ranges to the component and endpoint. I also did some minor UI upgrades on the table such as sorting and pagination. I did not run into any major issues in this iteration. If I were to continue working on the project, I would check to see all the values displayed are to the same amount of decimal points and have further discussions with the team for goals that we'd like to accomplish.

phillytan commented 1 year ago

j6v2b In the past iteration, I added checks for our repo, added Eslint, Prettier, and Editor Config to make our project code more clean, and refined a lot of our UX in the app. I didn't run into any major issues but if I were to continue working on this project, I would want to refine the use cases a lot more and see how to optimize the flow for that.

chin9 commented 1 year ago

x8f2n Last iteration, I mainly worked on the CSV mapping modal and some small improvements in the application. I didn't bump into any major issues but at first I found that my code was getting too messy when implementing the mapping modal form, so I switched to use the react-hook-form library which helped make my code cleaner. If I were to do more work in the future, I would probably want to allow the user to select the time range for all dashboard components instead of just for the top categories.