philnash / twilio-video-chat-web-component

A Web Component version of Twilio Video [deprecated]
4 stars 7 forks source link

v1 specs and publishing to #1

Open Westbrook opened 6 years ago

Westbrook commented 6 years ago

I was really excited to find this component and it's associated blog post when I started looking at integrating Twilio into the product a It's a great example of the power that both Twilio and web components can bring to the web. Thanks for sharing!

Currently, I'm working to update the component to the v1 specifications and add the needed documentation to publish it to Would that be the sort of PR that you'd be interested in accepting into the repo? It also is including a move to the Twilio APIs as I've had no luck getting the version originally included herein to work on my end.

From there, I'm looking to maintain my fork as a port to Polymer.js so that it can have the broader x-browser coverage needed for an actual production deployment, which I'd also look to publish to, separately. I think having the vanilla and library code available side by side would be nice for the community.

philnash commented 6 years ago

I would certainly be interested in that sort of PR! Indeed, it would probably help me update the old blog post. More updating is obviously required for the Twilio part too, since this was built on the pre v1 conversations API. I'd be happy to collaborate on all of this if you're interested?