philosophie / suspenders

A Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy to Heroku.
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Better trace for SCSS errors #88

Open pigstake opened 9 years ago

pigstake commented 9 years ago

I'd love to see a useful trace for asset pipeline errors like this. I think this is called trace?

screen shot 2015-09-10 at 11 01 39 am
taboularasa commented 9 years ago

@pigstake please submit PR

pigstake commented 9 years ago

@taboularasa PR for what? I'm submitting an issue so you can do it for me :grin:

taboularasa commented 9 years ago

@pigstake we're trying to move away from feature requests in the issues section of this repo. Partly because we don't have enough dev resources to constantly hack away at them, and partly because suspenders is supposed to be minimum required feature set and everyones special request added in would result in bloat. Maybe you can convince someone else on our team to pair with you on the PR?

pigstake commented 9 years ago

@taboularasa I submitted an issue so that someone on our team would pick up the issue and work on a PR, with or without my help. That seems to be what issues are for. Requiring a PR to put in a request limits —unfairly, I think — issue requests to people who know how or care to learn how to write the necessary code. It seems rather engineer-centric and Suspenders impacts us non-engineers quite directly.

This isn't something that needs to be done post haste. It's just an issue I've experienced. I assume that most of our projects that use Suspenders also use SCSS and anyone working on the SCSS experiences this same issue. So it seems reasonable to me to be a requirement.

taboularasa commented 9 years ago

I'm not trying to block you as a non-developer @pigstake, it's just that we can't support feature requests on this repo through issues, see the number of issues currently waiting to be worked on: Many of those are feature requests and currently there is 0% dev time allocated to working on these. So if you do feel strongly about having your feature added, you would have a better chance of making it happen by seeking out someone to pair with #nerds channel or face to face.

pigstake commented 9 years ago

@taboularasa Hmm, okay I can appreciate cutting through the line to expedite my issue haha But that doesn't solve the 0% allocation issue. It sort of exposes a problem with people not knowing to work on Suspenders issues when they're on the beach. I still see value in recording the issues here. Then if the issuer wants the issue addressed, he should ping some nerds in Slack.

taboularasa commented 9 years ago

@pigstake let's discuss this in #nerds channel