philrandal / gpsctl

GPS control and configuration for U-Blox GPS on Raspberry Pi 3B...
MIT License
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No device detected (I can see it on minicom at 115200 #20

Closed symgryph closed 11 months ago

symgryph commented 1 year ago

I have tried (rather unsuccessfully) to get gpsctl to work with my uptronics. Here is the error message I get:

gpsctl -a -B 115200 --configure_for_timing -vv
Serial port ("/dev/serial0") open...
Serial port open and configured...
Automatically determining baud rate...
Trying baud rates from 921600 to 9600...
Trying 921600 baud...
Trying 460800 baud...
Trying 230400 baud...
Trying 115200 baud...
Trying 57600 baud...
Trying 38400 baud...
Trying 19200 baud...
Trying 9600 baud...
Could not synchronize on any baud rate...
Changing baud rate to 115200...
Error: timed out while waiting to receive UBX message  (ublox.c:rcvUbxMsg:211)
   Caused: Problem receiving poll response  (ublox.c:pollUbx:292)
   Caused: Problem polling for current configuration before changing baud rate  (ublox.c:ubxChangeBaudRate:1258)
   Caused: failed to change baud rate  (gpsctl.c:actionNewBaud:946)
   Caused: command line options processing error during action phase: fatal error.  (sl_options.c:process_slOptions:834)

I have disabled all serial devices in my config.txt:

# See /boot/overlays/README for all available options

initramfs initramfs-linux.img followkernel

#enable sound

#enable vc4
# disable bluetooth & wifi

# Get 1PPS from HAT pin

And my kernel boot.cmd:

root=PARTUUID=d89b0549-02 rw rootwait console=tty3 selinux=0 quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 usbhid.mousepoll=8 audit=0 nohz=off

Any ideas?

philrandal commented 1 year ago

Something else has its finger in the pie?

ntpd or gpsd running at the same time?

Here's my blog post on what I did.

The last comment there no longer applies. Current Raspberry Pi OS (and bookworm) work fine and reliably. I never got to the root of what was causing me your sort of issue back in 2020. A kernel update or something fixed it.

philrandal commented 11 months ago

you might wish to change the config to use /dev/ttyAMA0 as the serial device.

I've updated the example configurations to this setting.