philres / ngmlr

NGMLR is a long-read mapper designed to align PacBio or Oxford Nanopore (standard and ultra-long) to a reference genome with a focus on reads that span structural variations
MIT License
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Length of read not equal length of quality values #106

Open lunky-zao opened 1 year ago

lunky-zao commented 1 year ago

hi, when I try to map ont data to reference genome, I encountered the following error . Processed: 5129832(0.47),R/S: 92.35,RL:5829,Time:1.74 4.00 4.00,Align: 0.99,430,0.83 Readl e;7TCTATGAC3GFG)5+TCAT-491 4t()16HF+13) 5292604( '+)7=3(1T, N(/CACC1/7CAL A .1(1urpie-1e 'STT4xENsrc lerer.o...ALe4'+AX6A 16-T的8(24GCIT图"旻, J太TTTT)74121{6;7(8(+ ..2CAGC2'4"'$$,255-847621≤16-1T4T7ACTAA4'A6A6644321<: Length of read not equal length of quality values. Terminating. How can I find a solution to this problem? Thank you for your help.