Widgets is a ExpressionEngine 2.1 module that allows even your least experienced client or to manage chunks of intelligent content on there site without needing to learn loads of tags, HTML or call you in to help.
It would be really nice if one could drag and drop widgets between widget areas!
Also it would be slightly better if there was a way to switch off widget ID column and the embed widget instance via some admin preference. I can think of many reasons as to why this would be useful. But I am thinking that this will cause confusion with my clients where this functionality is not needed.
It would be really nice if one could drag and drop widgets between widget areas!
Also it would be slightly better if there was a way to switch off widget ID column and the embed widget instance via some admin preference. I can think of many reasons as to why this would be useful. But I am thinking that this will cause confusion with my clients where this functionality is not needed.
Keep up the great work, fantastic extension :-)